Assumption: a project update (aka: my incredibly productive snow day)

Snowy days are generally not uncommon where I live. However, I work in a field where snow days are VERY rare, and today, the unthinkable happened – I had a snow day! Suffice it to say, at 7:00 am I was in the basement painting while everyone else was in bed asleep. Throughout the day, I made some accomplishments here and there with the Assumption project.

Here’s a shot behind the livery stable. The shot shows the fences and the generic rock piles I painted today. The fences are the matchstick ones I made back in August or September. I still have to finish painting the rope on the gate. The rockpiles were a recent experiment. I wanted some general “in the way” stuff on the table that I could use for any 28mm gaming. These are made from tree bark.

This week I also finished painting my initial collection of 16 old west models. Left to right we have Jeb Hunter (who you’ve seen before) and a shotgun-toting model I’ve yet to name.

The gent on the left is Malachi Cooper, a teamster who makes his living primarily from shipping goods for Bill Chafe (right), owner of the dry goods store.

Although you’ve seen Gabe MacIntyre before, Sheriff Mast has seen fit to hire another deputy, local upstanding citizen and crackshot, young Billy Duffy (not a coincidence. If you get the reference, you must understand I was a huge fan of the band through high school and university)

Another nameless model at present. He was originally painted in the same black hat-coat combo as the other pinkertons, but I wanted to field him as a citizen or deputy down the road without confusion. I repainted his hat and coat this morning.

The last model I painted this morning. I will probably lay him aside until I feel like hiring a gunfighter for the posse.

Here’s a close-up of the rock piles I painted today. The model is there to give an idea of scale.

Here’s the whole gang so far… lawmen, concerned citizens, and hired guns from the East.

Anyway, I have a few buildings to finish off, and I am seriously thinking about fashioning a road of some kind. However, my goal was to finish everything pictured above before my order of Dixon miniatures arrives, and I feel that I’ve met that goal.

Thanks for reading,

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